Continuing Professional Development As A Condition Of Renewal Of Registration
Since January 2007 all registered architectural professionals have been required to renew their registrations with the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) every five years (subject to certain phasing-in provisions which have now run their course). One condition of renewal is that the registered person must have accumulated a prescribed minimum number of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits during the five year renewal cycle.
CPD is considered to be the systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional and technical duties throughout a person’s architectural career. The introduction of periodic renewal of registration and the attendant requirement for undertaking CPD activities are viewed positively as a means of keeping pace with developments in the dynamic architectural field and providing opportunities to develop the highest levels of competence in practice. The intention is to support and encourage “life-long learning” and to enable compliance with the conditions for renewal of registration.
Basic Requirements For CPD
Registered professionals are generally required to accumulate at least 25 CPD credits in each five year renewal of registration cycle. At least 3 CPD credits must be accumulated in any one year of the cycle and at least 1 Category CPD credit must be earned each year.
Exceptions to this requirement are where SACAP has exempted a registered professional from undertaking CPD
CPD Categories
There are three categories in which CPD activities are undertaken:
Category One: Developmental Activities
These are activities which are presented by a SACAP recognised Voluntary Association, such as SAIA or a regional institute, or by an Architectural Learning Site (School of Architecture) or which are presented by a third party activity provider and which have been validated by a recognised Voluntary Association.
Typical Category One activities are conferences, workshops, seminars, training courses (technical or professional).
Credit values are time-based and activities are classified as either non-interactive or interactive and attendance or participation.
Non-interactive Category One activities are valued at 1 credit per 10 hours of attendance. A full day activity such as a conference is regarded as earning 1 full Category One CPD credit. A 1 hour lecture would carry 0,1 CPD credits. A question and answer session at a conference is not considered to be interactive.
Interactive Category One activities are valued at 2 credits per 10 hours of participation. Interactive activities are considered to be those activities in which the individual “learns by doing” – ie “hands-on training courses such as design master classes in which simulated project work is undertaken or CAD training courses where actual projects are used to develop skills, etc,
A minimum of 1 Category One CPD credit must be earned in any one year.
A maximum of 4 Category One CPD credits may be claimed in any one year and a maximum of 4 Category One CPD credits may be carried forward to a following year.
Category Two: (A) Work-based Activities And (B) Mentoring Of Candidates
It is considered that undertaking architectural services, whether in practice or academia, is, in itself an ongoing learning experience. Recognition of this is therefore accorded by the award of 1 Category Two CPD credit per 400 hours of architectural related work (including management) undertaken. Full-time lecturing at an accredited school of architecture is recognised as a Category Two CPD activity.
A maximum of 2 Category Two CPD credits may be claimed for architectural work or full-time lecturing.
Recognition of time spent on in-house training and mentoring of SACAP candidate practitioners is also accorded. A maximum of 1 Category Two CPD credits for 50 hours spent mentoring per year may be claimed.
Therefore a maximum of 3 Category Two CPD credits may be claimed in any one year. No credits in this category may be carried forward to the next year.
Category Three: Individual Activities
Individual activities are varied in scope and content, including undertaking relevant post-graduate degrees, academic examination, supervision of post-graduate studies, publication of professional/technical articles, part-time lecturing, etc. Category Three credit values vary with the nature of the activity undertaken.
With the exception of post-graduate studies, a maximum of3Category Three CPD credits may be claimed in any one year in respective of the above activities. Maximum of 3 Category Three CPD credits may be accumulated and carried forward to the next year.
In addition to the above-mentioned Category Three activities,1 Category Three CPD credit is accorded for membership of a recognised Voluntary Association. A maximum of 1 Category Three CPD credits may be claimed for such membership/s.
The CPD On-Demand Architectural Service – Overview
This is a Pilot Service that provides Architectural Professionals with an easy to use on-line method of accessing a selection of "Study Aids" that enable them to earn CPD credits. The content of the Service is being added to consistently.
Perceived Benefits to Users are:
– Convenient online access to CPD Training –
– Supplements CPD training events –
– Reduced time spent away from the office –
– Reduced costs of obtaining CPD Credits –
– Greater choice of CPD training material –
Access to the latest information on the technical application of manufacturers' products
To learn more about CPD click here